Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Farewell to The Summer of Ricardo Garcia

Ricardo had a awsome summer vaction. He went to many places he 's never visited in his life. He also met family members he has never seen before. His first destination was Guatemala, he never thought he was going to go to Guatemala. He visit a really nice hotel and he also visit the mayan pyriamids and explored the guatemalan junges. Ricardo mostly never spent his time in the hotel he would always be exploring the out doors. The only reason he would go in the hotel is to sleep and to eat. In the outdoors he saw some pretty intrusting things, he saw a monkey, and and saw a tree that he has heard of before, but he saw it in live. That tree he saw was acctually a tree that people in that area use for treating cancer and helps when people are stomach sick. When he saw the monkey he thought he was going to be attacked, but he like that he saw a monkey. That was all to his adventure to Guatemala. When he came back he went to six flages and raging waters. Garcia's vacation was over it was time to start to get ready for school. In my opinion his vacation sounces very fun and exciting. This was one's of ricardo's best vacation. This will be on his memories for ever.