Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lockers Leave Students Depressed

What is wrong with the PE and outside lockers at South East High School?

Bryan Villanueva, a freshman at SEHS, said, “At South East High School there is a problem with lockers, there aren’t enough and they are too small”. Villanueva has a locker now, but it is jammed and he can’t use it until they fix it. Villanueva wants the school to get new lockers.

Villanueva said, ” Yes, we should get new lockers because they are very small, dirty, and there aren’t enough for everyone”. There are about 3,000 students at SEHS and 3,000 lockers, but half of the lockers don’t open. But where are the lockers needed is in the gym and outside.

Villanueva said, “[They’re more necessary outside because it’s closer to class]. Villanueva also stated “In 9Th grade it has been tiring because he has to carry all of his books and [he is] tired of taking his books to a class when he doesn’t need them. In this situation his grades might worsen.

Villanueva said, “This will affect my grade because I might forget to take my book to school or my book can be lost”. The lockers are needed now.

Villanueva said, “The lockers are needed now because I can’t wait any longer and I am tired of carrying my books all the time”. If they fix his locker he will be proud.

Villanueva said, “I will be happy and excited because I can finally have a locker to leave my books when I don’t need them anymore and I will feel safe because I won’t have to worry of forgetting my book somewhere”.
Ifath Casillas, a junior at SEHS, has been having problems with her locker and until now the school hasn’t fixed it.
Casillas said, “I think we should get new lockers because there aren’t enough lockers for everyone, there to small, they are stinky, and most of them don’t even work. There are problems especially with the gym lockers.
Casillas said, “The new lockers are necessary in the gym because they are very small and there aren’t enough lockers for everyone”. With this happening peoples grades lower.

Casillas said, “It will change the student’s grades because the gym is always crowded and all the things the students have won’t be able to fit in the locker” . If the school does get new lockers the kids will be able to dress freely without being squashed and they won’t have to share with someone anymore. Putting in new lockers in the gym is necessary.
Casillas said, “This is something the school should consider because kids have back injuries and they’re losing their books”.
Casillas said, “I will be glad and excited to have new lockers because I won’t have to take my books everywhere I go and worry of losing my books”.
It seems that everyone doesn’t have a locker. Many kids are don’t have a locker and when they get one it doesn’t open. The schools can’t get new lockers because of budget cuts, but getting new lockers are really necessary

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oscar Basurto's Dream(GOSS)

Oscar Basurto a freshman from Southeast High school wants to become a professional basketball player.

Oscar has a dream of becoming a basketball pro when he comes out of high school. There is a problem Basurto isn’t in shape. In basketball you need to be healthy because there’s a lot of running. If he isn’t in shape they won’t even bother to get him in the team.

Basurto has a solution. He said “starting from this day I am going to work out like crazy”. He also said “that he is going to get in an extreme diet”. This dream started since he was in elementary. And one of these days Oscar hopes this dream becomes true and becomes one of the best Basketball players in the NBA.