Thursday, January 21, 2010

Students at South East High School anticipate Fifa World Cup 2010

By Christopher Casillas
And Oscar Basurto

The FIFA World Cup only occurs every four years. In 2010 followers will be able to attend another world cup. Teams from every corner of the globe will play in this tournament. There have been 19 world cups so far, but the World Cup of 2010 will be the 20th. Every soccer fan eagerly await the start.
Fifa is one of the most entertaining tournaments in the world for soccer fans. According to the World Cup History Organization, “The first World Cup ever organized was in 1930 in Uruguay. At that time only 13 teams’ participated and now 32 teams participate. Uruguay was the first to have won the cup.” The World Cup was canceled in 1942 and 1946 due to the World War 2.
There are teams like Denmark, Mexico, Holland, Brazil, and Argentina that play well. There are players like Cristano Ronaldo from Portugal, Wayne Rooney from England, Fernando Torres from Spain, Lionel Messi from Argentina, and Frank Ribery from France. The World Cup of 2010 will be an amazing tournament and will bring people from other countries together to support their nation.
The World Cup of 2010 will take place in South Africa. There will be many stadiums including Soccer City and Ellis Park in Johannesburg which are important because of their size and location. The stadiums in South Africa are world class. All of the stadiums will have a capacity of over 40,000. According to FIFA, “There will be 10 stadiums available for the World Cup of 2010. These stadiums are Green Point with capacity of 70,000, Durban 70,000, Ellis Park 61,000, Soccer 94, 700, Free State 48, 000, Nelson Mandela 48,000, Mbombela 46,000, Peter Mokaba 46, 000, Royal Bafokeng 42, 000, and Loftus Versfeld 50,000.
Mr. Marangopoulos, an Algebra teacher at South East high School, said, “The Government of South Africa did a good job in making the big and nice stadiums, hotels and resorts”. By doing such things more people will visit and would want to stay longer. The stadiums, hotels, and resorts aren’t why people really want to come to see. They want to come to see the beautiful game play that soccer offers.
People from all over the globe will go to South Africa or watch the games from their home. With teams such as Holland, England, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and France playing each other will create a spectacular game. Marangopoulos said, “I really like Greece because I grew up there, but I would have to say that Holland is the best team of all because there from of playing and their ability of scoring goals.” There are teams like Algeria, Slovakia, and Slovenia that haven’t made it in a world cup for over 50 years or never in their history make it to one.
Others think differently. Cuauhtémoc Cibrian, a freshman at SEHS says England has the best team because of their high winning rate and the way each player treats the ball. The teams make up the tournament but the players make up the team.
There are thousands of hundreds of soccer players around the world and the best of each country gets called to their selection. There are some players that are good such as Frank Ribery from France, Thierry Henry from France, Fernando Torres from Spain, Karim Benzema from France, Cristano Ronaldo from Portugal, and Andres Iniesta from Spain. All of these players are the stars in their selection. Mr. Marangopoulos said, “I love the way Ronaldinho from Brazil because he runs fast, good ball control, he is an amazing finisher, and he is never afraid to pass the ball.” Cibrian said, “Giovani Dos Santos is a great player because he has good dribbling and ball control. There are always some soccer players that are better than others such as these that were mentioned. Soccer players make teams look good.
The World Cup proves which team is the best. When a country wins the cup it is something that will never be forgotten by the players and there fans. Soccer fans want the World Cup to start and they want their team to be the best and beat the rest.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On my way to Grandma's House for Christmas

Alex Alvarez a 9th grader at South East High School went to his grandmother’s house for Christmas, Alvarez and his older bother played video games and worked out to kill time. So far it has been the best Christmas of he’s lifetime.

Alvarez had a great Christmas and New Year, He spent his time at his grandma’s and his bother’s house at Downey. Alvarez said “My brother and I played Fifa 10 and exercising to kill time. His grandmother’s house is a good place to stay over for the weekends and the holidays because he feels warm and safe with his family. Alvarez said “The only place he wanted to be for the break was being together with his family”. So for Alvarez it was a great break.